Men & Women's Ministries

Our men’s and women’s ministries provide intentional Bible studies, book studies, and fellowship groups where men and women grow together in Christ. These are spaces for in-depth study of God’s Word, honesty and openness, and the forming of deep and lasting friendships. We encourage you to find a group that works for your schedule and get connected with others that can encourage you in your faith.

Women's Bible Studies

We have two women’s bible studies held on Tuesday mornings; one at 6:30 AM and the other at 9:30 AM. The topics for these studies change each semester, but each is an in-depth look at scripture and will encourage you to think deeply, discuss candidly, and pray unceasingly.

Men's Bible & Book studies

Our men meet for Bible study two Saturday mornings a month here at Hope (from 7:30 AM until 9:00 AM) in a group called “Breakfast Boys.” They fellowship and eat together as they discuss God’s Word over a cup of coffee. We also offer a book study on Monday evenings.

Other Events

In addition to these opportunities, our women’s ministry has a quarterly “Reading, Eating, and Fellowship” group and an annual conference. Both our men’s and women’s ministries also provide events geared towards friendship and fun throughout the year. Contact our church office to learn more about any upcoming events.